Reports: Obama aide to work for Clinton campaign

David Jackson, USA TODAY 7:13 a.m. EST February 5, 2015Jennifer†Palmieri.(Photo: Gerry Broome, AP)
Denis McDonoughDemocratic PartyJohn PodestaHillary ClintonDan PfeifferWhite House Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri is leaving to work for Hillary Rodham Clinton's probable presidential campaign, according to multiple news reports.The Wall Street Journal describes Palmieri's switch as "the latest example of the two major camps within the Democratic Party coalescing behind the former Secretary of State's likely candidacy."It's the second major staff departure announced this week at President Obama's White House, a common development in the last two years of an administration. Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer is also leaving the administration, Obama said Wednesday.White House counselor John Podesta has also announced he is leaving, and is also expected to join Clinton's expected campaign.From the Associated Press:"No firm date has been selected for Palmieri's departure, but she'll remain in her current role for a number of weeks, said a White House official. Pfeiffer plans to leave in mid-March. The official said Obama and chief of staff Denis McDonough would seek to fill the openings with an eye toward bringing in 'new, energized staff with fresh ideas and new perspectives.'"A veteran media strategist known for her genial approach to dealing with reporters, Palmieri served in the Clinton administration and worked as a spokeswoman for North Carolina Sen. John Edwards during his presidential campaign. She was an executive at the Center for American Progress think tank before joining Obama's staff at the start of his second term."Measles: 5 things you need to knowFeb 05, 2015
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