Man stuck upside down in rail car for 18 hours
A man was stuck, upside down, in this Seattle rail car for 18 hours, firefighters said Wednesday.(Photo: Seattle Fire Department)Seattle firefighters had to rescue a man who got stuck in a rail car for 18 hours.People walking on Burke Gilman Trail, a recreational trail in Seattle, followed the screams to the train tracks and found the man's feet sticking out of a rail car.The 25-year-old man crawled into a hole in the rail car, slid down a small incline, and got stuck head first."One of our biggest concerns getting him out we didn't want to injure him and we didn't know if his head was trapped or how trapped his body was," said Kyle Moore, a spokesman with Seattle Fire, on Wednesday. "We ended up pulling him by his feet up out of that chute but made sure that he didn't get further injured."It took firefighters about 20 minutes to get the man out. Medics took him to the hospital to get checked out.MORE NATIONAL NEWSHack attack: 80 million at risk in Anthem breachFeb 05, 2015
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