Pope on Paris: 'You cannot insult the faith of others'
Pope Francis, speaking about the recent terror attacks in France, defended free speech but said there are limits and people should not make fun of other people's faith. Pope Francis waves to well-wishers upon arrival in the Philippines Thursday in suburban Pasay city, south of Manila.(Photo: Bullit Marquez, AP)Pope Francis on Thursday defended freedom of speech but said there are limits and that "you can't make a toy out of the religions of others."Francis spoke about the Paris attacks while en route to the Philippines, where he arrived Thursday to boisterous crowds. He defended freedom of expression as not only a fundamental human right but a duty to speak one's mind for the sake of the common good "without offending."Seventeen victims and three terrorists died in the three-day rampage of violence across France last week. The offices of the satire magazine Charlie Hebdo, which had published cartoons of the Muslim prophet Mohammed, were attacked.In an address early Friday, the pope urged Filipino officials to reject corruption and work to end "scandalous" poverty and social injustices that afflict the nation.Tens of thousands of people poured into Manila's streets to catch a glimpse of the pope as he started his first full day in Asia's largest Catholic nation. Security was intense.On his way to an official welcome ceremony at the presidential palace, Francis leaned out the window of the simple four-door Volkswagen to wave to the cheering crowds.In a chat on the flight to Manila from Sri Lanka, the Vatican news agency and several media outlets reported that the pope stressed that the Paris attack was not justified -- but added that a reaction could have been expected.He referred to Alberto Gasparri, who organizes papal trips and was standing by his side on the plane. If "his good friend Dr Gasparri" says a curse word against his mother, he can "expect a punch," the Pope said."It's normal, you cannot provoke," the pope said. "You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others. There is a limit. Every religion has its dignity."Francis, who has called on Muslim leaders in particular to speak out against Islamic extremism, was asked by a French journalist about whether there were limits when freedom of expression meets freedom of religion."There are so many people who speak badly about religions or other religions, who make fun of them, who make a game out of the religions of others," he said. "They are provocateurs."He made similar statement a week earlier in a joint communique with four French imams."Considering the impact of the media, their leaders are invited to offer information that is respectful of religions, their followers and their practices, thus favoring a culture of encounter," the joint statement said.Francis also briefly discussed reports that U.S. and Israeli intelligence officials had warned that he could be a target of Islamist militants.Francis expressed confidence in Vatican security measures, Canada's CBC News reported. The pope said he was more concerned about others being injured if an attack took place."I am in God's hands," he said, then adding lightly: "Am I afraid? You know that I have a defect, a nice dose of being careless. If anything should happen to me, I have told the Lord, I ask you only to give me the grace that it doesn't hurt because I am not courageous when confronted with pain."The pope's four-day trip to the Philippines marks the first papal visit in two decades. Many of the nation's 100 million people remain in recovery mode from Typhoon Haiyan, which killed thousands in November 2013."The central nut of the message will be the poor, the poor who want to go forward, the poor who suffered from Typhoon Haiyan and are continuing to suffer the consequences," he said.Last SlideNext SlideContributing: Associated Press
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