Obama to do local TV interviews on Thursday

David Jackson, USA TODAY 2:52 p.m. EST February 25, 2015President Obama, as seen through the eyepiece of a television camera.(Photo: SAUL LOEB, AFP/Getty Images)Thursday will be one of those local media days at the White House, as President Obama talks with television reporters from across the country.The White House has not released a final list of invitees, but stations in Kansas City and Fargo, N.D., are promoting their interviews with the president.While the standoff over homeland security may surface, the stations say they plan to discuss new state-by-state export numbers with the president.WDAY-TV of Fargo says its focus includes "exports, trade and what they mean for jobs here at home."KMBC-TV of Kansas City says "topics on the agenda include the economy and jobs."Will ice, snow shut down the South...again?Feb 25, 2015
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